• Addresses:
    Registered Office:
    Galleria del Pozzo Rosso, 13
    36100 Vicenza – Italy
    Factory Premises:
    Via dell’Industria, 1/A
    04011 - Aprilia (LT) - Italy

  • Contact Us:

ElectronFlash: the first dedicated research accelerator for FLASH RT

SIT is the patent-holder and provider of an innovative high-performance technological solution for FLASH RT.

Today thanks to ElectronFlash, SIT confirms its commitment to contribute and invest at full speed in clinical research and radiation therapy.

The system is able to operate in a controlled setup based on an accurate dosimetry calibrated according to clinical standards.

ElectronFlash is more than just a device: it is a solid technological platform to be operated similar to clinical standard settings specifically designed for FLASH radiation therapy research.

Visit our photo gallery to explore with us 

the first installation of ElectronFlash 

at Institut Curie (Orsay, Paris).

SIT blue as base, your preference as complement to customize your ElectronFlash system! 

Pick one of the proposed colors or tell us your preference!
